Scientists have named a diet that can increase life expectancy

Experts have found out that in order to live longer, you should exclude carbonated water, sugar, and bakery products from your diet and follow a low-carb diet not just for one day, but constantly. In addition, scientists recommend eating more plant-based foods.

With reference to the chief executive of the British Institute for Aging Research, Dr. Eric Verdin, nutrition has a direct impact on a person's life expectancy. He also noted that too frequent consumption of bread, sweet water and juices, ice cream, cereal, and chocolate provokes a number of serious diseases, the fight against which takes too much strength from the body.

Verdin emphasized that if there are a lot of carbohydrates in a person's diet, this leads to increased blood sugar, weight gain, deterioration of metabolism and an increased risk of heart disease. to insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, metabolic syndrome and even cancer,” the expert warned.

He said that as part of the research, he and his colleagues analyzed how it affects the body low-carbohydrate diet. It turned out that only by excluding critical foods from the diet can one achieve weight loss, decrease insulin dependence in diabetics, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases and oncology.

“As a result, this will increase a person's life,” said doctor.

He also noted that adding vegetables to the daily diet has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

“People who eat plant-based food have a 16 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease diseases, such as heart attacks, stroke, heart failure,” Verdin emphasized.

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Author: alex

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