Scientists have named a diet that can prolong life: study results

Proper nutrition can eliminate the risk of premature death. In this case, the main thing for a person should be vegetarian dishes.

As the Express newspaper wrote, researchers from Loma Linda University, America, found out that a certain type of diet can extend a man's life by almost a decade, and a woman such nutrition can add an extra six years to life. At the same time, they should not abuse alcohol and give up smoking.

The study of the effect of diet on life expectancy lasted 14 years. During this time, the diet and lifestyle of 34,000 people were analyzed. Based on the results of the observation, the experts made a number of conclusions. First of all, they recommended eating less red meat because it can trigger colon cancer. Here they included: beef, lamb, pork, goat meat. It was also advised to limit the use of sausage, bacon, pâtés. But at the same time, specialists advised to pay attention to the vegetarian table.

“Cereals, eggs, tofu, vegetables, fruits are especially important for people who do not eat meat, fish or dairy products,” experts said.< /p>

Scientists noticed that, contrary to popular opinion, the table of vegetarians is not poor. They can get the vitamins and minerals they need from plant foods and milk.

“Contrary to popular belief, most vegetarians usually get enough protein and calcium (found in dairy products) in their diet,” experts said.

“Also, in the pursuit of longevity, one should not forget about an active lifestyle and give up bad habits,” experts added.

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Author: alex

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