Scientists have named a diet that helps to lose weight without food restrictions
Recently, a team of scientists from the United States of America conducted a study to determine how to lose weight without food restrictions. They called it a diet that helps to lose excess weight, but at the same time a person can eat a lot.
As the leading author of the scientific work told, the Japanese diet is recognized as the most pleasant and effective diet for losing weight. According to him, it was she who helped thousands of people lose weight without harming the body. Yes, a person needs to consume a large amount of vegetables and clean water. Due to this way of eating, a person does not feel hunger. When she eats other, more caloric foods, she fills up with a larger portion. According to researchers, in addition to weight loss, the Japanese diet improves general well-being, normalizes blood pressure, and helps the cardiovascular system work. vegetables, and for lunch you can cheat your body by eating boiled broccoli. When the stomach is full, the desire to snack on sweets, smoked products and other harmful products disappears.
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