Scientists have named a drink that can increase the risk of stroke: the results of the study

Even light or moderate alcohol consumption raises blood pressure and increases the risk of stroke. The risk of cardiovascular diseases is also associated with the use of so-called light drinks – wine and beer.

British and Chinese scientists led by the University of Oxford have been observing how alcohol affects health for a long time, specifically what effect it has on the human cardiovascular system. During the study, the condition of half a million people was analyzed.

The study said that scientists found that 1-2 servings of an alcoholic drink per day can increase the risk of stroke by 10-15 percent and by 38 percent it increases after of every half bottle of wine drunk per day.

Experts warned that when drinking, a person should remember that alcohol: increases blood pressure, increases weight and the risk of diabetes, affects the liver, atria.

“The claim that wine and beer have some magical protective action, are not confirmed. The more alcohol a person drinks, the higher the risk of stroke,” said study author Professor Richard Peto, professor of medical statistics and epidemiology at the University of Oxford.

He emphasized that there is no safe amount of alcohol to reduce the risk of stroke.< /p>

In their analysis, the experts were guided by the fact that one drink is defined as one small glass of wine, a bottle of beer or a single serving of spirits.

Current statistics show that about 16 out of 100 men and 20 out of 100 women in Great Britain suffer a stroke.

According to the official statistics of the Ministry of Health, about 130,000 cases of stroke occur in Ukraine every year, and up to 40% of patients die within the first month of the onset of the disease. About 35% of patients are people of working age. Cumulative losses of the Ukrainian economy from a stroke can reach 100 billion.

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Author: alex

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