Scientists have named a popular drink that increases the risk of cancer

“We are what we are eating”. The authorship of this phrase belongs to the ancient Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates. More than two thousand years ago, people already knew that food not only satisfies hunger, but also affects human health.

Improper nutrition and harmful products in large quantities can lead to the development of various diseases. It turned out that one of the popular drinks, which is generally considered useful, can increase the risk of developing cancer. It's about fruit juice.

In the study, it is explained that 100% fruit juices, as well as other sugary drinks, are associated with the development of the fatal disease. Specialists from the French public health agency analyzed the data of more than 100,000 people, 79% of whom were women. They filled out questionnaires every six months for five years of observation.

As a result, the researchers found out that the average person drinks about 93 ml of fruit juice per day. At the same time, an additional 100 ml of this drink increases the risk of developing all types of cancer by 18% and the risk of breast cancer in women by 22%.

Scientists suggested that this may be due to the influence of sugar contained in in juice, on visceral fat that covers vital organs, or by increasing blood sugar. It is believed that in both cases the chances of getting cancer increase.

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Author: alex

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