Scientists have named a popular product that reduces mental health problems

Teenagers with more people with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood are less likely to experience psychosis in adulthood. This was the conclusion of a study by scientists at the University of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland. 

The conclusions were made on the basis of a study of children of the 90s. 3.8 thousand people were evaluated for psychotic disorder, depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder at the age of 17 and 24 years. In addition, blood samples were collected, the level of omega-6 and omega-3 was measured.

Scientists found that in individuals with disorders that appeared before the age of 24, the levels of omega-6 were higher than omega-3 in compared to individuals who did not have the disorder.

“The study needs to be repeated, but if the results hold, it can be concluded that omega-3 intake during adolescence may protect against mental health problems later in life.” – says the doctor, senior author of the study, professor of molecular psychiatry.

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Author: alex

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