Scientists have named a supplement that simultaneously increases immunity and the risk of cancer by 20%

Lung cancer is one of the most common types, and about 47,000 people receive the bad news of this diagnosis each year. The difficulty with lung cancer is that in the early stages there are usually no symptoms indicating this disease. Research now links immune-boosting supplements to a higher risk of the condition.

In recent years, supplements have come under scrutiny for their side effects. Many experts say the benefits they offer aren't worth the risks.

Researchers at the University of Colorado Cancer Center have found that over-the-counter supplements may actually increase your risk of developing cancer if you take more than the recommended daily allowance.

Beta-carotene has been found to be responsible for increasing the risk of lung cancer by 20 percent. It is a red-orange pigment found in various plants and fruits that is converted in the body to vitamin A. Carrots are probably best known for their high beta-carotene content. The supplement version of this pigment promises to boost immunity and keep skin healthy.

A study spanning more than two decades has shown that taking more than the recommended dose can increase the risk of lung cancer. Ironically, it all started when researchers wanted to see if taking extra vitamins and minerals could reduce the risk of cancer.

One of the researchers, Tim Byers, said:

“We found , that the supplements weren't really good for their health. In fact, some people got cancer more often when they took vitamins.”

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Author: alex

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