Scientists have named a way to determine the level of cholesterol by the condition of the hands
You can determine the level of cholesterol in a person's body by the condition of his hands. An excessive amount of a chemical compound in the blood poses undesirable health risks
One of the little-known symptoms of high cholesterol can be pain in the hands accompanied by tingling. This is due to the fact that there is an accumulation of fat deposits in the vessels of the limbs, which ultimately has a significant effect on the blood flow. A not too pronounced tingling sensation is the result of vascular obstruction. Tingling can be both constant and occur from time to time.
To minimize the risks associated with high cholesterol, it is necessary to donate blood for analysis on a regular basis. This is especially relevant for those people whose relatives have people suffering from heart problems.
In addition, the content of this compound can be normalized with the help of proper nutrition. In particular, there should be no alcohol or fatty foods in the diet. A favorable effect will be provided by regular sports.
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