Scientists have named a way to reduce the risk of heart disease in the elderly
Physical activity for at least 20 minutes a day helps to reduce the probability of diseases of the cardiovascular system in people aged 65 and over. Researchers from the University of Ferrara and the University of Padua (Italy) came to this conclusion.
Scientists followed a group of 2,574 elderly men and women for 20 years (or until the death of the study participant). At the same time, the level of physical activity and the state of the cardiovascular system were recorded.
During the study it was found that men who devote at least 20 minutes a day to physical activity, for example walking, cycling, working in the garden, the probability of developing cardiovascular diseases before the age of 85 is reduced by 52%. Among women, the indicator was 8%.
At the same time, it is emphasized that these indicators could be influenced by other factors related to the lifestyle of the study participants.
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