Scientists have named products that reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases

About the benefits vegetables and fruits have been known for a long time. However, scientists continue to study how nutrition affects health and how to reduce the risk of various diseases by including certain foods in the diet.

A group of scientists from the University of Minnesota studied how eating plant-based foods affects the risk of heart disease vascular diseases. The results were published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

Researchers analyzed data on the nutrition of almost five thousand people. They were divided into three groups.

Participants of the first group followed a healthy diet for several years, their diet contained mainly fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grain products.

The second group consisted of lovers of harmful foods such as fried potatoes, fatty meats, salty snacks, pastries and soda. In the third group, preference was given to neutral food: potatoes, cereals, lean meat and seafood.

The observation showed that the consumption of vegetables and fruits for a long period of time is beneficial for the health of the cardiovascular system. Those who regularly ate plant-based foods had a lower risk of disease.

Researchers recommend giving preference to fresh, unprocessed vegetables and fruits. It is also useful to add unfried meat and fish, eggs and low-fat dairy products to the diet.

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Author: alex

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