Scientists have named the exact amount of fruits and vegetables that are necessary for longevity

The process of increasing life expectancy is long, as it requires daily care of your body. Including proper nutrition can help you live a long life.

Scientists of the American Heart Association have told which products should be included in the daily diet to reduce the risk of premature death. According to experts, it is optimal to consume five portions of fruits and vegetables a day for longevity. The ratio of fruits to vegetables should be two to three.

Scientists came to this conclusion after conducting large-scale studies involving more than 100,000 people. They were observed for 30 years. At the same time, the study also included 26 experiments involving 1.9 million participants from 29 countries, including North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

It turned out that exactly five servings is a healthy norm for the body. Increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits consumed, on the contrary, did not bring additional benefits.

According to the data obtained, this amount of vegetables and fruits reduced the risk of death regardless of the cause by 13%. At the same time, the risk of cancer was reduced by 10%, of cardiovascular diseases by 12%, and the risk of death in respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, was reduced by 35%.

Scientists also note that not all vegetables can help prolong life. Yes, peas, corn, potatoes and other starchy foods do not reduce the risk of premature death. Experts recommend eating green leafy vegetables, including spinach, lettuce and kale, as well as fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, berries and carrots.

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Author: alex

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