Scientists have named the first symptoms of blood clot formation

Scientists have named the first obvious symptoms of blood clots that cannot be ignored. Research on the topic of thrombus formation was conducted by specialists from Great Britain.

Thrombs are blood clots that interfere with blood circulation and can put a person's life in mortal danger. It should be understood that these plaques primarily serve to protect blood vessels and prevent blood loss during cuts and other injuries.

At the same time, errors in this protective mechanism are not excluded. Sometimes clots remain in the vessels for a long time and interfere with blood circulation. As a rule, a blood clot appears in the legs. If it stops protecting the arteries, it turns into a serious threat that can lead to death.

The main symptom of blood clot formation is swelling of the lower extremities. According to scientists, blood clots are more often formed in the legs, so you need to pay close attention to them.

If the limbs begin to swell, and the skin itches and becomes reddish and even bluish, you should consult a cardiologist and undergo an examination. When pain and spasms appear in the lower leg, it is not possible to delay in seeking medical attention.

If the listed symptoms are accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness and unpleasant sensations in the chest, it is necessary to call the emergency team. These signs may indicate that the blood clot has broken off and is traveling to vital organs, which can be fatal.

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Author: alex

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