Scientists have named the most dangerous foods for the brain
The occurrence of Alzheimer's disease directly depends on nutrition. As numerous studies show, it is enough to give up some products to reduce the risk of developing dementia.
The first thing that experts recommend eliminating from the diet is highly processed foods, i.e. pastries, sweets, and carbonated drinks. They can provoke inflammatory processes in the brain and damage neurons, in addition, foods with a high sugar content can cause blockage of the arteries.
Experts from the University of South Australia believe that spicy foods – chili peppers and jalapenos – are dangerous. In particular, scientists point to capsaicin, which is contained in them, which negatively affects memory and mental activity. Fried foods and fast food are also on the list of undesirable products. They are rich in trans fats, which negatively affect brain performance.
Preservatives, salts and saturated fatty acids contained in sausage, meat products and cheese pose a great threat to the normal functioning of the brain. They also provoke inflammatory processes and harm blood vessels.
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