Scientists have named the most important danger to human health


Scientists have told people. According to experts, climate change is a major danger to human health.

a factor such as global warming is not taken into account as a cause of an increase in the number of diseases. However, the increase in average temperature and an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere directly affects the body. Through the heat, a large number of people suffer, and for those who have problems with the cardiovascular, it is contraindicated in such conditions. The lack of oxygen will adversely affect many organs. It is about increasing the number of people with allergies. The warmer climate provokes increased growth of wild herbs, which will increase pollen during flowering. 20% of such patients are expected.

there is another danger associated with climate changes. Doctors fear that the entire health care system can be destroyed, as in new conditions medicines may act differently and not provide expected help, but in some conditions and harm health.

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Author: alex

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