Scientists have named the optimal walking speed for longevity

Contrary to the opinion of many avid athletes, ordinary walking is effective way to maintain health. Leading experts claim that it helps not only to lose excess weight, but also to get rid of various conditions, including heart problems and high blood pressure.

According to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, increase life expectancy can regular walking at a fast pace. In particular, it was found to be associated with a 24 percent reduction in the risk of “death from all causes.”

Results show that walking pace should be increased for optimal results. Fast walking means a walking speed of at least 7 km/h. Among the main advantages of such activity is a reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease. According to scientists, it is reduced by 19% with a 30-minute walk five times a week.

According to the latest recommendations of the US Department of Health, it is necessary to spend 150 to 300 minutes of physical exercise every week. To achieve these goals, you need to walk for at least half an hour five times a week. According to Nike head coach Ashley Wilking, the key to burning more calories while walking is the distance you walk.

Cedric Bryant, president of the American Council on Exercise, agrees. He noted that it is worth allocating 45 minutes to an hour for a sports walk. As the level of physical fitness increases, he advised increasing the intensity of walks, climbing hills.

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Author: alex

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