Scientists have named two products that will help you fall asleep quickly

Scientists agree that the optimal duration of sleep is seven to eight hours. In order to fall asleep quickly, the body must produce melatonin. The pineal gland is responsible for this. However, many eating habits hinder this process. According to sleep expert Rosie Osmun, making small changes to your sleep hygiene routine can help you fall asleep in five minutes.

There is increasing evidence that diet and nutrition affect both the quality and duration of sleep. For example, data show that diets low in fiber and high in saturated fat and sugar are least conducive to healthy sleep.

“Eating complex carbohydrates about four hours before bedtime can shorten the time it takes to fall asleep, so try to include healthy carbohydrates in your dinner,” Osmun says. – Excessively salty, fatty or spicy foods can cause acid reflux and heartburn, so avoid eating them late at night.

Studies show that eating foods high in sodium can contribute to sleep disturbances by raising blood pressure and fluid retention. This can lead to frequent awakenings during the night, leading to fatigue in the morning.

“Instead, opt for sleep-promoting fruits and vegetables, such as cherries or bananas,” adds Osmun.

The Cleveland Clinic explains that cherries are one of the best sleep stimulants. In fact, studies have shown that the berry can increase sleep time and overall sleep quality. Cherries also contain vitamin A, vitamin C and magnesium, making them a good option to include in your diet.

Findings suggest that reduced inflammation after eating cherries may be partially responsible for improved sleep.


In the same way, bananas are rich in nutrients useful for sleep, such as magnesium, tryptophan, vitamin B6, carbohydrates and potassium. Previous studies have linked low magnesium levels to shorter sleep.

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Author: alex

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