Scientists have revealed how lack of sleep affects human health
Scientists conducted a study and found out how sleep deprivation affects human health. In their opinion, a constant lack of sleep can be compared to a time bomb.
It is noted that now, more than ever, people are prone to sleep deprivation. This is due to changes in the rhythm of life and urban features. Now, compared to the 60s of the last century, people sleep on average two hours less. The loss of this time of rest seriously affects their well-being. In addition, people have not only lost sleep, but also received an additional load. Thanks to gadgets, specialists continue to work at home, often staying up late. Working in artificial light is very tiring and even dangerous. The immune system is subjected to a very serious load. A person who has not slept well has many times more chances of getting sick not only with a cold, but also with more serious ailments. Experts assure that you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, but for some people this period can last 11 hours, and in addition, you need to fall asleep at sunset and wake up at dawn. Since this is inherent in instinct. Despite millions of years of evolution, people still need three things – food, water and sleep. If you don’t get enough rest, you can develop thrombosis, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, cognitive impairment, and obesity, as hormonal disruption occurs. The most dangerous is the development of oncology.
Employees of Harvard Medical School note that the brain is the most stressed when there is no sleep. When a person sleeps, the brain gets rid of accumulated toxins, but if he doesn’t sleep longer than necessary, brain cells begin to age faster, not having time to make up for losses due to overwork. Experts add that it is best to sleep on your side, so renewal occurs more effectively.
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