Scientists have revealed how sedentary work affects the heart
Many people spend a huge amount of time sitting. Neurologist Yulia Berezkina noted that this lifestyle has a great impact on health.
The doctor explained that the musculoskeletal system suffers first of all: posture is disturbed, joint pathologies are formed, muscle weakness appears. In addition, problems with the cardiovascular system may arise.
The work of the heart and blood vessels often depends on our diet, and while working in the office, most people resort to frequent snacks, fast food, and dry food. Against this background, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic disorders can occur. Stress, nervous overstrain, and lack of sleep also affect health.
“The risk of deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities increases, which can be asymptomatic for a long time, but later symptoms such as swelling of the legs, redness, and pain in the area of the clogged vessel may appear,” the doctor warned.
Gastrointestinal diseases, constipation, and even hemorrhoids are also common.
The “risk group” includes cashiers, doctors at outpatient clinics, manicurists, office workers, and drivers. Representatives of these specialties spend most of the day sitting, and in the evening there is no strength left for physical activity or even a light warm-up.
Berezkina advised adding movement to the work process as much as possible. For example, make phone calls while standing, or put the printer away from the table so that you have to reach it.
Some exercises can also be done while sitting. To prevent varicose veins, stretch your ankle joints by making circular movements with your feet in different directions, then move your feet towards you and away from you. Such an exercise will improve blood circulation and even allow you to cheer up.
Walking will also be useful, especially after a working day. However, according to the doctor, it is advisable to add various physical activities to the routine – classes in the gym, swimming in the pool, cycling and other activities that will allow you to move your joints and muscles.
If you have not been involved in active physical activities for a long time, before you start, you need to prepare your body for training.
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