Scientists have revealed what people's near-death experiences are like

About 10% of people tend to experience special experiences, the so-called near-death experiences, in dangerous situations. Scientists reported this during the fifth Congress of the European Academy of Neurology.

Experts found out what people's near-death experiences are like. An international group of scientists from Denmark, Norway and Germany studied this issue. They found that approximately one in ten people, under certain circumstances, experiences sensations that can be interpreted as near-death experiences.

The study participants were volunteers from 35 countries, recruited to the experiment through a crowdsourcing platform. The researchers concluded that “near-death experiences” are experienced by people who are convinced that their lives are in danger, even if they are not, and by people who actually find themselves in a dangerous situation, such as a car accident.

After analyzing the volunteers’ accounts of sensations that could be their near-death state, the scientists divided them into the following categories:

  • time distortion (real time ceases to exist in a near-death state, 87% said),
  • an exceptional increase in the speed of thinking (65% reported this),
  • a heightened sense of smell (63% reported this),
  • a feeling of being outside one’s own body (53% experienced this).

“73% of people who experienced near-death experiences described them as unpleasant. “27% liked the experience,” the project authors additionally reported.

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Author: alex

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