Scientists have revealed which diseases are caused by untreated teeth
Many people tolerate toothache, if it is not severe, and go to the dentist only in extreme cases, but this can be dangerous to health. Experts have told what diseases appear due to untreated teeth, listing very serious ailments.
A person can get tonsillitis because of an unhealthy smile. The infection persists in the tonsils and constantly affects the body, preventing the patient from completely getting rid of the disease. If the oral cavity is affected by streptococci, this leads to kidney diseases, such as glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis.
Pathogens enter the body through the affected areas, having a negative effect on the organs. If there are diseased areas in the oral cavity that a person does not want to load with chewing food or some teeth are missing, this will definitely affect the work of the stomach, since the food enters it insufficiently chewed.
There are also serious consequences for the cardiovascular system; if the patient suffers from chronic periodontitis, the risk of heart attack or coronary heart disease doubles.
Untreated teeth also affect appearance. Bacteria from inflamed areas enter the blood, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, due to various ailments, the skin color acquires a painful shade.
With inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, migraines develop, which can develop into chronic ones. In addition, scientists have found that the fewer teeth a person has after age 65, the worse their memory. Experts also link Alzheimer's disease to a bacteria that occurs during gum inflammation.
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