Scientists have said that prunes can strengthen bones

Prunes are effective not only for normalizing digestion, but can also eliminate osteoporosis. This was reported by American scientists.

“In postmenopausal women, estrogen levels decrease, which increase the risk of bone weakening and lead to fractures. If you include prunes in your diet, you can protect your bones by slowing down or reversing this process,” said Connie Rogers, Associate Professor of the Department of Nutrition.

During the research, scientists found that daily use 100 grams of prunes will improve the mineral density of bone tissue in the forearm and lower back.

Experts noted that the positive effect was noticeable with systematic use of prunes for six months. Scientists emphasized that this dried fruit most likely has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, making inflammatory processes in the body weaker.

Thanks to this, oxidative stress, which affects the density of bone tissue, is greatly reduced.

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Author: alex

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