Scientists have told about the most dangerous alcoholic beverages
some drink strong drinks and some are low alcohol. Doctors warn that even weak alcohol can cause irreparable harm. Experts say that, above all, energy drinks adversely affect the human brain. The brain in the row is literally all internal organs.
The fact is that along with alcohol, these drinks contain caffeine. These two components cause a huge blow to the body as a whole. Besides. There is a failure in memory and a person may lose consciousness.
The second place in a number of bad drinks is beer. Many do not even suspect that the constant use of beer can be threatened with alcoholism. Beer drinks contribute to the production of hormones pleasure – dopamines. The first blow of beer is on the pancreas. cocktails. It is forbidden to mix different types of alcoholic beverages to the cocktail and interfere with sweet soft drinks, experts say. In this case, the pancreas also suffers, the liver begins to respond. By the way, scientists have proven that such a mixture can lead to obesity.
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