Scientists have told how much you need to sleep in order not to get diabetes
Most people in modern world does not get enough sleep. A poor night's rest is associated with a number of health risks. One of them can be diabetes. Thus, sleeping less than five hours a night increases the risk of the disease by almost 60 percent.
Such conclusions were obtained in the study. Scientists analyzed the data of more than 84 thousand people from the British biobank.
It was found that people who saved only five hours a day had a 58 percent increase in the risk of developing diabetes in the next five to seven years, when compared with the indicators of people who sleep seven to eight hours.
“Lack of sleep can cause an increase in the level of the hormone ghrelin. It provokes a feeling of hunger and can lead to weight gain. This, in turn, is a dangerous risk of diabetes and a number of other metabolic syndromes,” the authors of the study explain.
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