Scientists have told how to determine diabetes by the condition of the teeth

The oral cavity is a complex ecosystem in which both beneficial and harmful bacteria are present. They, along with other microorganisms, appear when a person eats, drinks and breathes.

In most cases, a balance is maintained in the ecosystem of the oral cavity, but some strains of bacteria become redundant, which indicates internal diseases.< /p>

According to the National Diabetes Institute, published by Express, signs of diseases of the digestive system and kidneys, as well as symptoms of high blood sugar, are present in saliva.

When diabetes is not controlled, high glucose levels in saliva promotes the growth of harmful bacteria that combine with food, forming plaque.

In this regard, experts have listed the conditions of the oral cavity that can signal type 2 diabetes. These include dry mouth, caries, inflammation and bleeding gums, delayed healing of wounds in the oral cavity, problems with the perception of the taste of food, frequent infections.

It is noted that if plaque is not removed, it damages tooth enamel. and leads to caries, tartar and gum disease. Experts recommend consulting a doctor to determine the exact cause of this ailment.

Also, studies have shown that using toothpaste containing baking soda is an effective way to get rid of plaque.

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Author: alex

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