Scientists have told how you can increase your life expectancy by 14 years: just four rules


According to just four rules, you can increase your life expectancy by 14 years, scientists believe. This does not require anything extraordinary, just the practice of healthy everyday habits.

To find out how a person's lifestyle affects the quality and length of life, scientists analyzed data from more than 20,000 men and women aged 45 to 79 without any known cardiovascular disease or cancer. Study participants received one point for each good health habit: smoking cessation, physical activity, moderate alcohol consumption, and inclusion of fruits and vegetables in the menu, with a total score ranging from zero to four.

< p>After an 11-year observation of the subjects, experts came to the conclusion that all the good habits described above have an impact on life expectancy. Those who followed the rules of a healthy diet, played sports, did not abuse alcohol and did not smoke, had a healthier body.

“The strongest trends were observed in relation to cardiovascular diseases,” the study stated.


Scientists explained that there is nothing strange here. For example, fruits and vegetables are rich in natural antioxidants and polyphenols – protective compounds found in plants – that reduce markers of inflammation and reduce the risk of disease. Also, an important part of them is vitamins and minerals, fiber.

On the contrary, alcohol and cigarettes take years away, experts emphasized.

“Even giving up smoking after 40 years can already increase life expectancy for 10 years,” the article said.

They added that frequent alcohol consumption was associated with higher rates of stroke, fatal aneurysms, heart failure, and death.

” Adults who consume between seven and 14 servings per week can expect to live six months less on average. With an increase in the portion, their life will become even shorter”, experts warned.

They emphasized that a healthy lifestyle involves moderate physical activity. Those who played sports or performed a number of jobs that required physical effort felt better, suffered less from obesity and cardiovascular diseases, which in turn also affected life expectancy.

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Author: alex

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