Scientists have told what health benefits bearing cheese
Scientists have told what health benefits are. It protects a person from cardiovascular disease and reduces salt levels in the body.
scientists have found that people who regularly consume cheese have less heart disease and lower blood pressure. This conclusion was made after experimental research.
for the experiment, scientists invited 11 people and asked them to follow certain diets within 8 days. The first diet involved the introduction of low salt foods in the diet and exclusion of dairy products. The second diet could consume low salt products and a large amount of cheese. With the third diet, it was necessary to bring into the diet products with a high salt content and completely abandon dairy products. And in the fourth scheme it was necessary to consume products with high sodium chloride content and a lot of cheese. The use of cheese in the second and fourth food variants – not less than 170 grams per day. After 8 days of experimental nutrition, scientists evaluated the condition of the cardiovascular system of volunteers.
it turned out that after a diet with a high salt content and refusal of dairy products, the function of blood vessels were disturbed. But after consuming in a large number of salty products and cheese, the condition of the vessels remained normal. Scientists believe that cheese is so good to orgasm due to the antioxidants that are part of it.
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