Scientists have told you how to determine the risk of Alzheimer's disease


Scientists at Boston University have told how to determine the risk of Alzheimer's disease. According to experts, most people are not immune to this condition after 85 years.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common disorder that affects thinking and memory. According to statistics, the risk increases by 40-50% to 85 years in many people. If someone has a family problem, including one parent or brother, which increases the likelihood of two to four times. For example, if the total risk of developing a condition aged 65 to 70 years is about 2.5%, then without a family history it is about 1.5%, unlike people whose relatives encountered ailments, in which case there is an increase in the chances of 3 to 6%. with a decrease in beta-amyloid clearance. Of the 5.1 million people in the US with Alzheimer's disease at the age of 65 – 3.2 million are women. Part of the answer is that the representatives of the beautiful sex live longer than men. Other explanations are being actively investigated. Thus, although the condition is more common in old age, it is not its normal part. There is more and more evidence that several ways of life, including participation in regular aerobic exercises, nutrition on the Mediterranean diet, social activity, can help keep thoughts and memory at the proper level.

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Author: alex

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