Scientists have warned about foods that increase the risk of heart failure
Scientists at the University of Kentucky in Lexington proved that a person's diet really affects the health of the heart. In the course of the study, they found out that people who ate certain foods with heart failure were twice as likely to be hospitalized.
The experts studied data on cases of worsening of the disease, and then conducted an experiment in which they took the participation of 213 patients with heart failure.
Volunteers had to keep diaries of their food for two weeks, and scientists distributed the specified foods depending on how much this or that food increases inflammation.
Patients whose diets had higher inflammatory markers were twice as likely to die or be hospitalized.
“It is well known that diet plays a critical role in the development of heart disease and stroke,” he commented. professor of medicine Amit Khera.
Scientists note that red meat, refined oil and high-fat dairy products increase the risk of heart failure, while foods such as olive oil, whole grains, as well as fruits and vegetables – reduce it.
It is noted that the famous Mediterranean diet, which is followed by many stars, turned out to be similar to the diet that doctors recommend for heart disease. They both include plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains and limit foods high in saturated fat.
More research is needed to confirm whether anti-inflammatory diets can be used to reduce mortality from heart disease, the researchers said. heart failure.
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