Scientists have warned about the dangers of pasta and bread for the brain
Scientists from Great Britain the results of the study concluded that the abuse of bread and pasta threatens with unpleasant consequences for the brain. It turned out that the gluten contained in these products is to blame.
Some develop gluten ataxia against the background of frequent inclusion of pasta and bread in their diet, which is caused by the reaction of the immune system. Researchers indicate that the condition can manifest as dizziness, and the person feels somewhat clumsy.
Gluten can be found in many foods, including beer and cereal. With a more acute effect on the body, symptoms similar to a stroke appear. In particular, there are difficulties when walking, difficulties with spoken language, possible paralysis. Gluten ataxia requires thorough treatment, otherwise there is a risk of irreversible consequences for the brain.
The difficulty, scientists see, is that many people simply leave the problem of gluten intolerance without proper attention, and turn to doctors at the last moment, when the body considerable damage has already been done. In the early stages, a correctly composed diet can be the solution.
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