Scientists have warned about the negative effects of a long viewing TV

neurologists have prevented a long-term. Conclusions, according to the results of the study, are made by British scientists representing the University College of London. At the beginning of the experiment, experts evaluated the cognitive and physical health of citizens. At the end of the study, all the data was re -collected, and the respondents also answered the question of how long they usually spend watching TV. As a result, it turned out that those who watch the last more than three hours a day usually have worse verbal memory. If a person remained near the TV less than three hours, the reduction reached 4-5%. Impact on memory, including the content of gears, is not the last role in the emotional and visual load given to the brain. Often the negative effect is due to the fact that watching the TV replaces the individual a number of other lessons, including reading, all kinds of cultural events or playing in the company that helps well memory development well.

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Author: alex

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