Scientists: High blood pressure accelerates the aging of the brain

Scientists from the Australian National University conducted research and found out that people with high blood pressure are prone to the risk of accelerated aging of the brain.

The conclusions were made on the basis of observations of elderly men and women.

Experts found that the optimal blood pressure readings help the brain stay about six months younger. It is extremely important for people to make positive changes in their lifestyle, starting from a young age.

In this case, there will be no pressure surges, as a result of which the brain ages prematurely. A diet aimed at preventing changes in the structure of blood vessel walls is extremely important. The author of the study, Walter Abhayaratna, said that one should not wait for excessive pressure jumps, it is necessary to start the fight against hypertension in a timely manner.

In adults, the optimal pressure indicators are 110 to 70, the norm is considered to be 120 to 80. Its periodic fluctuations affect on the probability of damage to the cardiovascular system, which provokes the disease. We are also talking about early dementia.

It is necessary to control the pressure and not allow it to rise or fall sharply. It is also necessary to control the level of sugar in the blood. It is recommended to give up buttery pastries, candies, cookies and cakes, sweet carbonated drinks, which will contribute to the prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

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Author: alex

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