Scientists: Hot food will help people lose weight

People who want to lose extra pounds should prefer hot food Professor Maureen Morrin from Rutgers University commented on the situation.

Scientists: Hot food will help people lose weight

The scientific work was carried out by American scientists from several US universities. As part of the 14-day study, experts looked at the orders of guests of a New York cafe, where the menu offers cold and hot sandwiches.

Scientists found that those who prefer to order cold food were twice as likely to take additional appetizer. A similar pattern was observed among those who ordered not food, but cold or hot drinks. In the first case, they additionally bought sweet pastries.

According to experts, people instinctively perceive cold food as less satisfying. There is another explanation, according to which hot food has a stronger effect on the senses, and this already affects the feeling of satiety.

Until scientists have determined the correlation between food temperature and body weight. As Morrin emphasized, there are reasons to believe that it is better for those who want to lose weight to eat hot dishes, since they are consumed less than cold ones.

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Author: alex

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