Scientists listed the risk factors for the development of Alzheimer's disease 15 years before symptoms

Scientists talked about the main risk factors for the development of Alzheimer's disease in a person 15 years before the first symptoms appear. Most often, the condition is diagnosed at the stage when the patient has irreversible cognitive changes.

Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common forms of dementia. Its development takes place over many years, and the main danger is that a person may not observe any unambiguous symptoms. While the condition remains incurable, however, the earlier it is detected, the sooner the patient can begin prevention in order to postpone the disease or slow down its progression.

Among the first manifestations of the disease, experts distinguish cognitive decline, a common symptom is also a violation coordination As part of their work, French scientists from the Paris Institute of the Brain organized an analysis of data on almost 80,000 patients. The goal was to understand the risk factors for the development of the condition.

This made it possible to name the main pathologies that indicate an increased probability of encountering Alzheimer's disease many years before the first symptoms.

On depression was at the top of the list, followed by anxiety, and experts also attributed stress to the factors. The list includes constipation, memory loss, hearing impairment, cervical spondylitis, falls, and unexplained weight loss.

The authors of the paper hope that their findings will help doctors pay more attention to the mentioned factors. As part of further research, specialists plan to confirm the current conclusions and establish the general basis of diseases, as well as the features associated with them.

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Author: alex

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