Scientists named the best vitamin for skin rejuvenation
Research by German scientists showed the existence of a close connection between nutrition and skin aging – according to scientific experts, one of the best food components capable of restoring skin tone and giving the effect of its rejuvenation is vitamin A.
According to data presented by scientists from the Medical Center of Dessau, Germany, and the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, vitamin A effectively prevents the appearance of signs of external skin aging caused by ultraviolet radiation. Its consumption strengthens the protection of skin cells from damage.
In addition, the vitamin helps strengthen the human immune system, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, lungs, and kidneys – it also contributes to the effect of skin rejuvenation, improving its condition.
Rich food sources of vitamin A are liver paste, cheese, eggs, fatty fish, milk, yogurt, yellow fruits, as well as yellow, red, orange and leafy vegetables. It can also be taken in supplements.
Scientists emphasize that the total amount of vitamin used per day should not exceed a dose of 1500 μg. An excess of vitamin A negatively affects the condition of bones, liver, and other organs.
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