Scientists named the drinks that cause the biggest hangover

A hangover is a problem that many people face after stormy weekends or holidays. Experts talk about following the rules that are necessary to avoid a headache in the morning – do not lower the temperature, eat well.

However, scientists have found out what exactly affects the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the morning.

It turned out that the severity of a hangover depends on the color of the alcoholic drink drunk the day before. Various impurities added to intensely colored drinks act as toxins on the body, writes Medikforum. The more saturated the color of the drink, the worse the hangover will be.

Scientists have warned that whiskey is one of the most “dangerous” drinks. Also, dark rum and bourbon can cause bad health in the morning.

In addition, brandy and red wine due to their saturated color also cause a strong hangover.

Experts also reminded about the consequences of choosing beer. This low-alcohol drink is dangerous because it is more difficult to stop and notice the degree of intoxication when consuming it.

It is usually drunk in large quantities, which leads to dehydration and headaches.

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Author: alex

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