Scientists named the exact number of steps per day for longevity

According to many leading health experts, there is no need to walk 10,000 steps every day. Experts emphasized that this is a common mistake, which is proven by numerous studies.

“The number of steps a person takes per day is not an ideal guide or an accurate indicator of physical health. In fact, the concept of walking a minimum of 10,000 steps a day for good health is the result of marketing, not scientific research. [It appeared] when a Japanese company released a new pedometer with the slogan 'let's walk 10,000 steps a day,'” said surgeon Kenneth P. Moritsugu.

According to a study conducted by Brigham and Women's Hospital at Harvard university, in order to increase life expectancy, it is enough to take 4400 steps a day. At the same time, the risk of premature death continued to decrease as their number increased, but stabilized at the level of approximately 7,500 steps per day. According to the researchers, it is crucial that walks are supplemented with more vigorous exercise.

However, according to the scientific paper published in Scientific Reports, the focus should be on the time spent in nature, not the distance traveled. For example, walking in the forest, which the Japanese call a “forest bath”, was found to be closely related to a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate, stress hormones, as well as anxiety, depression and fatigue. According to scientists, during this study, 20,000 people reported good health and well-being when they spent at least 120 minutes a week in nature. Everything that was below this mark was not important for health.

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Author: alex

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