Scientists named the most favorable time for sports

Through trial and error, blood pressure measurements and control over the results, scientists from the USA understood when it is wiser to do physical exercises. Experts called the morning the most favorable time for sports.

After waking up early, calories are spent faster than in the afternoon or evening. Therefore, physical education in the morning will help to quickly get rid of extra pounds and make the stomach flat. Morning exercise has a positive effect on human health and contributes to longevity. Scientists associate this effect with oxygen saturation of the body. It is in the early hours that this process proceeds more intensively. Therefore, experts advise to do physical exercises in the morning, as this is the most suitable time for activity. However, individual characteristics of a person should be taken into account. For example, people with body weight deficiency and asthenia are prohibited from exercising before breakfast. In this case, due to a lack of carbohydrates, a person may lose consciousness.

Before exercising, you should consult a doctor. Some people are contraindicated for intensive sports. Sports should be treated with caution in case of heart disease.

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Author: alex

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