Scientists named the products that destroy the stomach
In case of increased sensitivity of the digestive system, eating a number of dishes can cause a negative effect . Scientists have named food products that can destroy the stomach.
Traditionally, dietary cauliflower is considered to be able to cause a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. The danger is that it contains incompletely processed raffinose, which causes bloating and constipation.
However, only raw cabbage is harmful, if this vegetable has been subjected to heat treatment, it ceases to be harmful. According to Dr. Lauren Harris-Pincus, jams or stews, etc. simplify the digestion of this product.
Another undesirable product in the diet is carbonated drinks, due to the presence of carbon dioxide, their consumption can cause stomach aches. No less dangerous is the high content of sugars in various circles, they also have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, leading to malfunctions in its work.
You should not get carried away with the consumption of milk either, since the lactose contained in it is poorly absorbed by the body of a large number of people. Its constant drinking can cause serious health disorders.
Frequent consumption of tomato sauce will also not be beneficial, as its acidity can disrupt the alkaline balance of the stomach, and further develop into gastritis or an ulcer. At the same time, scientists emphasize that large portions of this product have a negative impact. Moderate addition of sauce to dishes will not cause harm.
Scientists recommend avoiding the constant addition of red meat products to the menu. There are too many proteins and saturated fats in it, especially in beef, which adversely affects the work of organs and systems. Due to the long time of digestion, such dishes have a strong impact on the general condition of a person.
To avoid overloading the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to limit the presence of such meat to small portions. In addition, experts advise avoiding too large portions and frequent consumption of hot peppers, cheese, crackers and cheese, as well as fried chicken. Excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol or orange juice can also cause harm.
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