Scientists named the reason for the increase in the belly in men

Scientists representing the University of California named the reason for the increase in men, the abdomen, which is a problem area. When gaining weight, all fat accumulates precisely in the waist area.

Excess weight affects the figures of men and women differently. In the first, it is so laid by nature that fat accumulates on the stomach. To make it clearer, scientists compared it to the trunk of a car, where you can put all the things.

With a sedentary lifestyle, the space will sooner or later run out, so fat will begin to accumulate in other areas. It comes to the point that the internal organs become overgrown. In this case, a person begins to suffer from diabetes, hypertension, and heart problems.

When women gain weight, they first notice an increase in the volume of the buttocks and thighs. The process is due to the production of estrogen. When fat accumulates in these areas, the body prepares for pregnancy. As soon as there is no room left, the belly begins to grow. Then the scenario is similar to that of men.

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Author: alex

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