Scientists: owners of a certain blood group age more slowly

Scientists talk about the existence of a connection between the intensity aging processes of the body and its blood group.

Researchers conducted an experiment with the participation of people divided into groups, depending on age. Scientists have established that the owners of a certain blood group age more slowly than others – these lucky ones turned out to be people with the third blood group.

Representatives of science explain this pattern by the fact that people with the third blood group have a significant supply of bone marrow. Some part of it “passes into blood cells” over time, which helps to improve their quality.

In addition, other features related to the presence of certain blood groups in people were discovered. For example, experts have established that among the owners of the second blood group, a tendency to bad habits is observed more often compared to others. In turn, among those with the first blood group, long-lived people are often found, although this does not slow down the onset of aging.

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Author: alex

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