Scientists talked about five drinks that prolong life

Scientists told about n There are healthy drinks that can prolong a person's life. According to experts, the list includes green tea, coffee, kombucha, wine and apple cider vinegar.

Green tea was in first place. Researchers representing Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine conducted a study involving 14,000 citizens aged 65-84. According to the results of the test, experts concluded that people who drink up to 7 cups of the drink a day live longer than those who prefer to drink less. Green tea can be used to prevent heart and blood vessel diseases and reduce bad cholesterol, and it also has a positive effect on blood pressure.

Coffee contains many antioxidants. During the study of the impact of the drink on the human body, scientists concluded that participants who prefer to drink it have an excellent state of health. Coffee lovers are 19% less likely to die from heart disease and 18% less likely to die from cancer. Regular consumption of the drink reduces the likelihood of diabetes, strengthens the liver, and slows down the development of Parkinson's disease and dementia, but it should not be abused.

Previously, kombucha was very popular. As you know, fashion is cyclical, so now the drink began to be served in fashionable cafes under the name of kombucha. The drink is enriched with probiotics and antioxidants, which contribute to the reduction of blood sugar in type 2 diabetes, and it also has antibacterial properties.

Apple vinegar is important among all drinks. It is used in a diluted form (from 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons per large glass). It contains acetic acid, which helps fight infections. Apple cider vinegar increases insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar. People who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract should treat this remedy with caution.

Experts have reported that drinking red wine in small doses has a positive effect on the heart, as it contains antioxidants. For example, resveratrol in the composition of the drink improves the quality of blood vessels, lowers LDL levels, reduces the risk of inflammation and the formation of blood clots.

Experts advise not to overdo it with the listed drinks in order not to harm yourself. It is recommended to use them in moderation, and also not to forget about consultations with doctors.

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Author: alex

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