Scientists talked about the benefits of a useful berry
Health can be improved not only with the help of medicines and supplements, but also thanks to certain products. Some of them have a whole list of useful properties.
One of these products is pomegranate. It contains a large number of useful elements, including fiber, folic acid, potassium and vitamin K. The positive effects of pomegranate on health have been reported by experts of the American Heart Association.
Helps fight inflammation and aging< /strong>
The red color of pomegranate fruits is due to pigments called polyphenols. They are found in many plant foods and act as antioxidants, helping to fight inflammation and aging.
Lowers blood pressure
A review of eight clinical trials found that pomegranate juice lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The effect was maintained even when different amounts of pomegranate juice were consumed.
Strengthens the health of arteries
Some researchers claim that pomegranates strengthen the health of the heart. However, research on this issue is still limited, according to the National Institutes of Health. At the same time, it is emphasized that the antioxidants contained in the pomegranate can contribute to the health of the arteries.
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