Scientists talked about the negative impact of sugar on children's memory

Researchers in The University of Georgia in the USA discovered the bad effect of sugar on children's memory. It turned out that a large consumption of sugar in childhood and adolescence can later have a strong impact on the mental activity of an adult.

Experts conducted an experiment on laboratory mice. The experimental animals were divided into two groups. One of these groups was regularly given a sugary drink.

Soon they were found to have hippocampal dysfunction. This is the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory. It is noted that this was influenced by the increased number of bacteria called Parabacteroides in the intestines.

After introducing them into the body of mice from another group that do not consume sugar, they also later showed memory impairment.


Scientists expressed confidence that the results of the experiment are applicable to people, especially children. In the future, they plan to conduct new experiments to find a solution to the problem and understand the mechanisms by which the transmission of signals from the intestine to the brain works.

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Author: alex

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