Scientists: There are dangerous symptoms that indicate heart problems

Specialists from the American Heart Association in the US state that there are dangerous symptoms that indicate significant problems with the heart. Such manifestations should be taken into account in order to prevent serious consequences.

Impairment of health and cardiac abnormalities in many people appear over the years, it is extremely important to notice them in time. The first sign is a feeling of discomfort in the chest in the form of squeezing or pain.

Experts consider unpleasant sensations in the hands, back, neck, lower jaw and stomach to be the next symptom. The third group of dangerous signs of heart damage includes nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness and cold sweat.

In some cases, coronary artery disease develops as a result of bad habits, including smoking and indulging in fatty food. The same applies to the use of stimulants and alcohol.

You can maintain heart health with physical activity. Walking in the park, cycling or swimming are recommended. An extremely important point is the need to monitor the level of blood pressure and observe the correct sleep regime.

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Author: alex

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