Scientists: white wine is good for bones
Consumption of beer and hard liquor leads to greater accumulation of visceral fat , which is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, and other health complications.
However, no such connection was found for wine consumption. Such data were obtained by scientists from the University of Iowa. The work was conducted under the supervision of Brittany A. Larsen, a graduate student in the Department of Neurology.
For white wine, scientists even found a plus. Its use in moderate amounts can thicken bones in the elderly. In particular, the study found that people who drank only white wine had a higher bone mineral density.
Scientists used data from the British Biobank. In particular, the health of 1,869 people aged 40 to 79 was assessed. They reported on demographic factors, alcohol consumption, diet and lifestyle. Blood samples were then collected from the participants, and height, weight and body composition were measured.
The results showed that more beer and hard liquor consumption led to more visceral fat. Moderate consumption of red wine was associated with less visceral fat.
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