Scientists: Wine at night helps you lose weight
Drinking wine at night helps burn fat and thus promotes weight loss The corresponding conclusions were voiced by scientists from the USA, representing the University of Washington State.
In their study, the scientists took as a basis the story of a 100-year-old woman from Italy. She drinks a glass of wine every day with a meal, but remains healthy. Subsequent works showed that an alcoholic drink drunk at night prevents the accumulation of fat cells in the body. This is due to the effect of the substance resveratrol, which helps in maintaining slimness.
With the help of wine, the authors of the work believe that it will be easier for dieters to control their weight. The benefit of drinking this drink at night also lies in the fact that it contributes to the emergence of a feeling of satiety, against the background of which it is easier for a person to refuse late snacks. It is assumed that two glasses of wine a day are enough to reduce the risk of obesity by 70%. At the same time, it is important to understand that wine will have a positive effect only if a person follows a proper diet and regularly performs physical exercises.
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