“Secrets” cooking delicious and “juicy” Bloczha

1. The dough

recipes are many, but the most good dough is mixed with potatoes. This dough fits quickly, comes out lush, does not dry up and remains fresh for a long time. The flour should be sifted, and the finished dough should be “rest” for 1 hour

2. Stuffing

stuffing can be made of lamb, pork, beef and even chicken. In addition to salt and pepper, it is necessary to add crushed onions in a ratio of 1: 1, milk is the main secret of juiciness. The filling should lie in the fridge overnight to seep with aromas.

3. Frying

Frying a frying pan be sure to be wide and with a thick bottom. Start frying on the side where there is a hole. Five minutes for each side. Fry without closing the lid to a homogeneous golden color and rosy crust.


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Author: alex

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