Secrets of cooking delicious mashed potatoes
Each housewife has its own secrets for cooking mashed potatoes. Someone makes it with cream, adds an egg or cheese – there are many options. And we'll talk about the classic way.
Potato puree for many is the perfect garnish. Delicious, beautiful, useful and nutritious. At first glance, it is a simple dish, but not every cook can make it truly delicious. First of all, it is important to choose a variety of potatoes – they differ in texture, starch content and other parameters. If you buy potatoes, you can ask the seller which of the available varieties is best suited for puree.
It is very important not to digest potatoes. This is a common mistake-many people think that it is even useful to boil 10-20 minutes, as it is easier to grind it. But the secret is that the potatoes with prolonged cooking begin to absorb more water, which is unacceptable for the right puree – it will be sticky and watery. That is why it is so important to pour water and dry it a little, let it release steam.
you can not cool the potatoes. Milk for puree should be heated, it will be enough 45-50 degrees. It should be added in small portions, together with sliced butter. It is not necessary to add too much butter, a kilogram of potatoes is enough 20-30 grams, but you can add more to taste. Cleaster. And do not forget that the puree should not be too liquid. , broths, cheese, onion, garlic. Each option will own your features and you will find your perfect recipe.
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