“Secrets” of correct harvesting of onions


onions-an indispensable vegetable in every hostess . That is why we plant a lot.

the ripening time of weeping golden beauty is 70-80 days. July-August is just the time of harvesting. From grandmother to mother, from mother to daughter, simple secrets of this process are transmitted. Let's share them with you.


Read and keep your advice so that your onion stands before:

  1. Time to dig or tear – when the onion is “lie” and the place of kink will be sluggled.
  2. collect the onion in dry, solar The weather, when there will be no rain before this. Do not be afraid, do not bake. The sun's rays are disinfected.
  3. then transfer to the shade for 1-2 weeks. It is advisable to spread on the rows on the ground. If you think it is raining, you can quickly move it to a safe place.
  4. Do not break the dry stems. With them onions are better stored and will not be spoiled from each other. Rules, you will not have to buy onions in the winter!

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Author: alex

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