Secrets of longevity: 9 useful habits in adulthood

In adulthood from a properly formed both the fullness of life and its duration depend on daily routine and healthy habits. What are the daily tricks that contribute to longevity, scientists highlight?

2 minutes of cold shower

Studies have shown that a cool shower strengthens the cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems. Cold water can also boost immunity. One study found that people who took such baths were 29% less likely to get sick, while research from Virginia Commonwealth University noted that cold showers can prevent depression. The optimal temperature of the water in which you need to stand for 2 minutes is about 20 °C.

2 liters of liquid per day

Water supports the kidneys and liver, being an indispensable helper for other body systems as well. With age, the body tends to “dry out”. According to the NHS, at birth the human body is made up of around 70% water, while by old age this figure drops to 55%, and the thirst reflex dulls with age. Therefore, do not forget to drink at least eight glasses of water during the day.

2 hours on hobby

A study by the University of California showed that participants who spent 2 hours a day on their hobbies had a 21% lower chance of early death. Engaging activities improve cognitive abilities and social interaction, and prevent disease. Among them, reading is particularly important: work from the University of Sussex has shown that books reduce stress levels by up to 68%. And listening to music, according to researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine, helps lower blood pressure and anxiety, and improves sleep and memory.

200-300 minutes outside

Research from the University of East Anglia has shown that a walk in nature helps to cope with stress, reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and overall mortality. According to a research article in Scientific Reports, just over half an hour a day in a natural environment outside provides optimal health improvement.

4 days a week without alcohol

< p>A study published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, showed that even a small amount of alcohol consumption 4 or more times a week can increase the risk of early death by 20%. However, the British Medical Journal clarifies that consuming a small amount of wine is associated with lower mortality from cardiovascular disease.

Work without overtime

New study , presented at the Preventive Cardiology Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, showed that people whose work hours do not coincide with their biological clocks are at higher cardiovascular risk. WHO data shows that about 750,000 people die every year due to long work.

3 cups of coffee

High coffee consumption (more than 28 cups per week) is associated with a 21% increased risk of death. However, the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease clarifies that moderate drinking in middle age can reduce the risk of dementia in old age by 65%. Most health organizations recommend no more than 300 mg of caffeine (about 3 cups) per day.

8 hours of sleep

A study from the University of Paris found less than six hours of sleep in middle and older age increase the likelihood of developing dementia by 30%. Sleep magazine noted that people who sleep less than 7 hours a day have a 26% higher risk of early death. At the same time, more than 8 hours of sleep increases this probability by 17%.

Organization in everything

According to research from Duke University, consciousness supports health in adulthood , because it helps to adhere to other good habits, such as physical exercise and brushing teeth, which reduces the likelihood of obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension and gum disease by 27%.

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Author: alex

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